Monday, March 11, 2013

Hooray for ME reaches #3 on Kindles Top Memoir Downloads

Hooray for a Great Week!

Good day to you all-

I am thrilled to report that on Wednesday March 6th, Hooray for Me: a Foggy Memoir in correlation with a Goodreads/Kindle Promotion sold a whole bunch of copies and got up to #3 on Amazon's Top Memoirs List! 

The thing that cracked me up was during the promotional Hooray for Me reached NUMBER #5 on the Kindle Self Help/Inspirational List... WOW! I beat out a book that's title consisted of how to be happy in 20 days and another about how to change your life through yoga and dancing. Which is great- go go! And more power to you---

Um... see.... about that--- My book as much as I do hope it does inspire, it is not an inspirational memoir. At least that is not what I intended it to be. I wrote it because- I wanted to. And I felt I did have some laughs with some knocks along the way. I would never even begin to know how to make someone else's life better when I have no clue what the hell I am doing with mine. 

I do like to stay positive. I do see the glass as half full, even though I am aware that most of the time the glass is half FOOL. 

Anyway, that was pretty awesome! And it did make me happy in a matter of 20 hours, not days. 

We'll talk soon!

Again, good day to you all from Ello